Como Park Neighborhood Little Free Library Seed Collections Now Available
Find this sign on the front of hosting little free libraries in the Como Park Neighborhood.
As the weather warms this week, find a variety of seeds that are perfect for indoor starting or winter/spring sowing!
The seed collection addresses are:
1241 St. Albans Ave.
900 Montana Ave.
962 Como Ave.
41 Maywood Pl.
You’ll find native, herb, okra, tomato, onion, pepper, asparagus and eggplant seeds. Most of these are long season annuals/ perennials that in our northern short season climate should be started indoors 4-8 weeks before transplanting. Or in the case of the native seed, a period of cold is needed to break their dormancy. Prairie Moon Nursery has a great blog on starting native plants from seed! Winter/Spring sowing is a perfect method for starting native seeds.