Join us for a "Spring Seed Bee" on Saturday, April 5th, from 10 am to 1:00 pm at the Saint Paul Tool Library, 1010 Dale St. N., St. Paul, MN 55103. This is a FREE event that jump starts your garden season. Workshop space is limited so register here ( today! Very limited off-street parking is available to the south of the building, otherwise park on the side street to the north.
10 to 10:30 am, sign in and register for door prizes followed by a warm welcome, a tour and introduction to the Tool Library .
10:30 to 11:15 am. Workshop 'Grow to Give, Grow to Live' with JIIVE (Justice Impacted Individuals Voting Effectively) and Zintkala Luta.Join volunteers from two organizations, JIIVE and Zintkala Luta, who will discuss best practices for seed starting, how to grow seeds in different containers, and learn more about how to support our efforts to develop a community garden space that will support justice-impacted individuals who are currently and formerly incarcerated and their families. Growing our food from seed is at the heart of food sovereignty and community healing. Food should never be a punishment and is part of everyone's healing journey and ensuring their dignity. We will share information on our campaigns to improve food in Minnesota prisons through garden programs and ensure better, more nutritional food access when people return to their communities. In Large Conference Room
11:15 am to 12:15 pm, explore make and take stations featuring activities like Soil Blocking, Seed Snail Making, and using alternative seed starting containers. Don't miss the Seed Checkout with MN SEED Project Seeds. Bring your gently used garden tools and larger garden decorative containers to swap for something new and learn how to keep those garden tools sharp and serviceable for years to come. Want to join the Growing for Community movement? Learn more about Seedling Stewards and the Seedling Corp plus all of the exciting details to extend this vital central Saint Paul Pollinator Pathway.
12:15-1pm Workshop Growing Seedlings In Small Spaces for Garden Success with Julia Brokaw and Amanda Sames The excitement of seeds germinating is often mixed with many questions on how to ensure their long-term success in your gardens! This can be especially challenging when growing in small spaces and getting to know the watering and lighting needs of different plant types. We will demonstrate some seedling care tips and discuss options for setting up a grow space for any size! Presenters include: Julia Brokaw, pollinator plant grower who starts thousands of native and annual plants from seed every year from her small apartment & backyard to share with neighbors and Amanda Sames, food justice educator and experienced vegetable crop farmer. In Large Conference Room.
1pm the event concludes with a door prize drawing, and valuable takeaways.
This event is hosted by the Minnesota Tool Library in partnership with the Pollinator Pathway of Saint Paul coalition and is part of the Pollinator Pathways of Saint Paul grant programming for 2025, funded by the MN Board of Water and Soil Resources. Our Pollinator Pathways grant is a collaboration of Hamline Midway Coalition, Bee Line, District 10 Como Community Council, Saint Paullinators, Frogtown Green, TEST_PLOT, and The MN SEED Project.
See you there!
To volunteer for the Seed Bee and share your garden enthusiasm sign up here: