Don’t Let the Snow Fool You!
UMN CCEL Student, Josie Oullette, packing seeds and finding a gifted four leaf clover from Nadine Harrington.
Yes it’s January 2023 and while we’ve just added another few inches to the field of snow over our gardens it’s time to start planning for the warmer months ahead. Here at Como Community Seed Library we’ve been busy planning on how to share seeds, knowledge and resources in our growing community and getting our hands in the dirt biding our time until the season of mud!
- CCSL needs your help to make the 2023 growing season successful! Whether you want to help at an event, host a Little Free Library/satelite seed collection, share your passion for growing as an educator/mentor, or volunteer to grow seeds for the community, we have the opportunity for you. To find out more about the many ways you can keep us growing and sharing seeds please check out our volunteer needs on this form . Many hands make for an abundant garden!
- Look for our 2023 Seed Catalog to launch at the end of the month with a selection of seeds to start in your germination stations and winter sown containers with more to be added. Thanks to the University of Minnesota students from the Center for Community Engaged Learning we have a great selection packed ready for labeling and cataloging. Our deepest gratitude to Josie, Mathew, Griffin, Brady, Chloe, Megan, Noah, and Tyler for all of their help during the fall semester!
Find CCSL in February: We’ll start February off right with the Blizzard Breakfast on Saturday February 4th at the North Dale Recreation Center! Try a new outdoor winter activity like snow shoeing and then make your way inside for breakfast, winter crafts and local organizations like CCSL sharing information and great family friendly activities. We’ll have seeds to share and something to make and take.
On Wednesday February 8th we’ll be at the New Brighton Farmers Winter Market from 3-7 pm demonstrating simple winter sowing options with ordinary household recycled materials. New Brighton neighbor, Nadine Harrington, will be there as we highlight some of the seeds she’s collected and donated to CCSL that are perfect for winter sowing.
Look for more gatherings in the near future like seed bees, seed shares, and our annual gardening season kick off!
MN SEED Happenings:
Let’s start the season off right with a Seed Swap on National Seed Swap Day, January 28th for all our neighbors in the Capitol Region Watershed District ! You’ve probably seen the blog post with all of the information but this should prove to be a lot of fun. We hope to see you there.
We’ll have more MN SEED activities to join in February too so stay tuned! Meanwhile check out this Recap of the MN SEED project in 2022 to see what can happen with seeds and community!